Thursday, August 23, 2007

It's probably time to say it

I'm a lot of things. They say crazy, violent, a drunk, a liar, a thief, an addict, a contrarian, a person who should not be part of polite society.

I think I'm also a poet, an observer, a frightened little boy and a fearless old man.

But what's amazing is the people I've met around a website called Sadly, No. I guess one day I just barged into their party. Maybe thats just the way it works. But these people have allowed me to speak, listened and offered thoughtful responses, been there, caring when it made sense and sharp when it didn't.

Make no mistake. This is a community of people who are smarter than me. In many ways they are all the things I'll never be. And they have welcomed me. More importantly, if you are one to see the imaginary distinction, they have made me feel welcome.

Y'know, you don't have to be homeless to have no home. I have a home now. I have a place where I can go, be among friends, say what I think. We may not always agree, but the honesty and the kindness are hard to miss.

May you all find a home for yourselves, someday. Thanks...



At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, man, I came to the party pretty late and it took me a while to figure out what the hell people were talking about, but I do like it there.
And it cannot be stated often enough, you are a hell of a writer.
Keep on it.

At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, that's sweet. I think I stumbled on Sadly just shortly after you did. (About a year ago.) It's a great community. It was the first blog I ever really spent a lot of time on, other than being part of an Alice In Chains community several years back through which I actually made a couple of friends for life in the real physical world. On line communities aren't unreal at all, they are precisely what the name implies: Communities. I visit a lot of different blogs now, World 'O Crap, Doghouse's inestimable site, DSidhe's lovely home, and Orcinus in particular, but Sadly is always my first stop and then I go from there.

Oddly enough, I bopped into your blog tonight because I wanted to reply to your Bush (band) comment at Sadly, but what I wrote seemed a little too lengthy a departure from the topic at hand and so I thought I'd burden you with it over at your place. Here 'tis:

kinda OT music rant:

Oh mikey, yeah . . .

It's the little things that kill.

It's kind of funny, I was just thinking about the song Testosterone the other day. Song could have been written about Ace of Spades or any one of those other macho-macho fuckwits. Song always makes me laugh.

Bush wasn't the greatest band of the 90s, but like the Pumpkins, they had a certain emotional authenticity that made them better than perhaps the sum of their musicianship would seem to allow. Of course, they weren't as great as the MIGHTY Alice In Chains, a.k.a. the best rock band of all time . . . (Just my opinion, mind you.) And not the Screaming Trees (Mark Lanegan - best lyrics evah!) But still, when you come home from the bar at 3:00 AM well lit and nowhere near ready to crash, a little machinehead or little things or everything zen was just the ticket. I miss teh 90s.

I loathe Gwen Stefani though. She used to be okay, but now she just sucks. When I want pop, give me Xtina. Xtina can sing. And she's a freaking survivor, like Courtney, who I'm convinced is some sort of manifestation of the Goddess.

I'd figure you for a Credence fan. For some reason, I've had Fortunate Son stuck in my head lately. My partner's sister is into an alt-country singer named Brandi Carlile and she did a cover of it, which was fairly good, oddly enough, but it got me craving to hear the original. Credence was a favorite when I was a kid, followed around the same time by Steppenwolf and Grand Funk. But there was one summer, maybe 68? 69? 70? where all we listened to was CCR.

At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rock on, Mikey.

S,N! has become my new home, too.

At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But what about the hebes and kikes?


At 12:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teh Sadly is a unique creature, no? I thought for a while that you were actually on of the S,N! guys, until I clicked on your link.

So, mikey, when are you going to write that screenplay?

At 4:23 PM, Blogger sarah said...

mikey, you are one of my favorite sadlies. i also generally wish that i was having dinner at your house, whenever you start describing what you're cooking.


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